Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

Recipe Search

Basil Cheese Biscuits and Book Giveaway

When I posted the Whistler Style Tomato soup a week or two ago, I had a number of requests for the recipe of the biscuit  pictured with it.  It is just a fancied up version of biscuits but for those who asked, here it is:

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 cup cold butter or margarine
  • 3/4 cup milk

  • Filling:
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder (if desired)
  • 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese or 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
  1. Place flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
  2. Cut in butter.
  3. Make a well and add milk.
  4. Mix lightly with a fork until dough begins to form.
  5. Knead lightly no more than 12 times.
  6. Roll out to a rectangle approximately 14 inches by 7 inches.
  7. Spread soft butter and mayonnaise over dough, leaving 1/2 inch along the long edge farthest from you.
  8. Sprinkle with Basil and garlic powder and cover with Parmesan or grated Cheddar
  9. Roll up (from the edge closest to you) like you would for cinnamon buns, pinching the long edge closed.
  10. Slice into 1/2 inch slices and place on cookie sheet, placing biscuits quite close together.
  11. Bake at 425 degrees F for 12- 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
  12. Remove from pan and serve hot.

Note: The biscuit in the top picture is made with Parmesan cheese and the photos below show the Cheddar cheese version.

We are celebrating today because we had the most wonderful surprise in that our book was delivered early. We are offering you a chance to win a copy of our Celebrations book.
If you haven't had a chance yet to take a peek inside the book...Amazon is offering you a chance to see inside here.

Contest rules 
  1. Share this post on at least one of the following ... Facebook, Twitter, or on your own blog.   If you are not able to share on any of those options, share it with your family and friends!
  2. Leave a comment here on this post and in your comment, tell us how you shared.
  3. Contest closes tonight April 15 at midnight.
  4. We'll draw one random winner and announce that winner on Wednesday April 17!  


  1. I can't believe I will be the first to comment. I absolutely love this site and look forward to see what it holds every day. I would enjoy a copy of this book. I am going to E mail my daughter and all my friends who like to cook and tell them about this contest. What a wonderful thing to own this would be. And if I don't happen to be lucky enough to win a copy, you can bet I will go right out and buy myself a copy as soon as possible. Just looking at the wonderful recipes and beautiful photos is something I do daily and do enjoy every one.
    I will wait on pins and needles for the results .

  2. These look delicious! I have shared on FB.

  3. Love the recipes and words of wisdom each week. I am sharing on FB. SharonP

  4. Go to this site everyday & have tried some of the recipes. I shared on Facebook

  5. The biscuits look delicious!

  6. I would love to win a copy of your new book, and I am sharing this post on Facebook. I also plan to purchase a copy for my niece as a wedding gift!

  7. Looking forward to making these tonight, and I shared this on Facebook! THanks for your great site!

  8. I shared this recipe with my friends on Facebook. They sound wonderful.

  9. I go to your site daily for recipes and inspiration. I have shared many recipes with "the girls at work", and several of those girls have become followers of your website! All the best, Lisa

  10. Your site is my homepage and I love checking out the new recipes everday! These bisuits look amazing! Shared on facebook.

  11. These biscuits look lovely. Have you ever used fresh basil in them by chance? I check MGCC every morning with my cup of coffee to see what you all have to share with us. I have shared on FB and through email with my family that are not on FB. We all try out your recipes regularly. Have a few weddings to attend this summer and plan on buying your book as part of the shower gift to the brides.

  12. I'd love to win one of your new books. I read your blog daily. Sometimes it's nice to find out you have an extra week in your schedule. Better check your dates on this offer!
    Ruth from Manitoba

  13. Love the look of these biscuits! Shared on Facebook.

  14. Thank you for the chance to win the Celebrations book. I have tried many of the recipes that have been posted. I shared this post on FB. Sharon

  15. This is a really great way to change up a biscuit - will definitely make them soon. Since I don't have facebook, I will email my family and friends. I am looking forward to the new cookbook and how the proceeds will help the WASH program in Africa. Blessings to all the MG who CC,

  16. Thanks for the excellent recipes. Shared on FB and with family and friends.

  17. I will e-mail friends. Love the recipes and your personal blogs!
    Lisa in Fort Worth

  18. I shared this on facebook, and the biscuits look great!

  19. Thank you for an opportunity to win the book! Just shared on Facebook! Chris

  20. Love your recipes. Shared on FB!

  21. So excited to get this cookbook (won or purchased). I shared the post on FB.

  22. Would love to win this cookbook! Shared on FB.

  23. Love your daily recipes. Shared on Facebook

  24. Shared this post via email! Would love to win a copy of the book! Appreciate your passion for both good food and your mission! God bless!

  25. I shared this post on Facebook. What a wonderful surprise with the early arrival. Am definitely looking forward to getting my copy of the book (whether I win one or not)!

  26. I shared making copies to pass out to friends. Very clever way to fix biscuits. Look forward to seeing your cookbook and probably buying more for gifts. Thanks.
    Paducah, Kentukcy

  27. Would love to own this cookbook.... I shared this post on Facebook.

  28. I liked, I shared & I commented.

  29. Just share on Facebook and will be making the recipe for our Veggie soup tomorrow. Would love to add this book to my collection. I read your blog faithfully and love all the recipes you share.

    Peace and Blessed Be, Barb

  30. Shared this on facebook.....requesting one from my family for Mother's Day and would love to have a signed copy!

  31. Shared on Facebook. Love the delicious recipes. Many recipes become regular favorites in my house.

  32. I shared on Facebook. I would love this cookbook! And those biscuits look delish!

  33. Love the posts and the book looks lovely! I would love a copy :) Shared on facebook

  34. shared on facebook, would love a copy!!!

  35. Shared on facebook - can't wait for my copy...hopefully I'll win it here! :)

  36. I sent the link to all my food lovin' friends. The book looks great!

  37. I shared on Pinterest. I know the book will be great because the site is amazing.
    scrappin_sis02 at yahoo dot com

  38. I don't do Facebook, but I've been emailing my friends, including Canadian daughter about your new book. Congratulations!

  39. I shared on facebook. I am looking forward to the second book!

  40. I have shared on facebook..looking forward to your new book and incorporating it in my life as I relearn how to celebrate God's goodness in my life.

  41. I was happy to see your new book at my workplace this week and have been flipping through it on my shifts. I can't wait to pick up my own copy! I shared this recipe on Pinterest!

  42. I shared on Facebook. Would love to win a copy of your new book!

  43. Shared this on facebook. I would love to win this cookbook. I check your site everyday for new recipes. Love it!

  44. it one in a million to win but share with e-msils ,. to much high tech I do not do ,, world is going to beyond with some ,, so call me old fashioned , grew up that way kinda like that way ,, thanks for sharing

  45. Shared this on facebook. I love your website, and have used many of your recipes.

  46. Just shared on my Facebook wall. Cooking is beyond my personal skill set, but I would love to be able to give a copy of this book to my more-than-capable wife.

  47. Love your site, especially the gluten free recipes. Shared by email.

  48. Shared it on facebook - these look delicious!!!

  49. So looking forward to this new cookbook! Shared via Twitter :)

  50. Shared on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus! :) Thanks for the great giveaway

  51. Shared on Facebook. Thank you!

  52. Shared on facebook, would love to be the winner

  53. I love your blog, recipes and your thoughts about everything..I shared your blog name with many friends, I don't do facebook, twitter, etc.but would love to win this cookbook, I am mary jane s. from and I follow your blog daily it is a ray of sunshine and goodness in this big old world! lovely, sweet and I just have to get your recipes daily! ciao mjs

  54. Check your site regularly. Shared with my friends on Facebook

  55. I told my in-laws. My father-in-laws is Mennonite, and I'm Asian ;-) We both have the first book,and it will be nice to have the second one too!

  56. I love this blog and share about it with close friends, and friends at local Curves group. I don't twitter or facebook. I do Pintrest.

  57. These look absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to make these with my mom. She and I are both looking forward to the new book. We check your blog every day looking for what you've come up with next and really enjoyed your first book! And my mom really loves the Saturday in the Kitchen feature, that was a really neat addition to your blog. Keep it up girls!

    I shared this post on Twitter and Facebook!

  58. Those biscuits look wonderful! I shared on Facebook.

  59. I shared on Google+. Love your recipes and like the chance to win this cookbook.

  60. Those biscuits look so yummy! Love your recipes :). Thanks for a chance to win this book!

  61. I shared on Facebook. I love your recipes and the little insights into your daily lives :)

  62. Love your site, and have enjoyed the Saturday entries. I shared on Facebook, and with all my friends when I serve food made from your recipes.

  63. OH yummy!!! Love the recipes you share.
    I posted about this on my Facebook page and posted it on PInterest too!

  64. already a facebook fan and shared this! would love to win this book!

  65. Shared it with my sister! We will definitely be making these this weekend...

  66. Yum yum, shared on Facebook! -Amanda Barkey

  67. Congratulations! I shared on my blog and put up a link to this post.

  68. Shannon HildebrandtApril 15, 2013 at 11:25 AM

    I shared it on my facebook page. I'm really excited about this giveaway! Love your cookbooks!

  69. I shared on facebook...I share lots of your recipes on FB because there is not a bad one in the bunch!

  70. I shared this on Facebook!! Awesome recipes!! Thank you!

  71. Shared on facebook! This bisquit recipe looks so yummy, I'm planning to make them for lunch! I love all your recipes!

  72. Love your blog; the recipes, pictures, thoughts. I have the first cookbook and really enjoy having it right there in my kitchen! I shared on Facebook.

  73. What a great blog/site. Shared on facebook this morning. Great recipes. !

  74. Love all your recipes. I have your first cookbook and would really like to win this one. Just wish I had someone to cook for so I could enjoy the good food. I posted on Facebook about your new cookbook being available at Amazon or to have them come here to try and win one.

  75. Love your recipes, so your cookbook would be great to own!! I shared on Facebook. Thanks, Gail

  76. I shared on Facebook today :)

  77. I shared your site with my Mum :)

  78. I love this site!!! Found it last year when I was looking for recipes for blackberries. It is great the gals are just over in the Fraser Valley... I am on Vancouver Island but they seem like neighbours. They have such a feeling for fresh food! Keep up the good work girls! I shared this post on my Facebook site... will keep my fingers crossed to win the book!!!! :-)

  79. I shared on Facebook! Love these recipes and ideas :)

  80. Shared on facebook. Wonderful opportunity. Love your other cookbook so know this one is fabulous also! Thanks for opportunity and have a great day

  81. Shared on Facebook - love your recipes!

  82. LOVE!!! shared on fb

  83. Shared this great looking recipe and contest with a Tweet :)

  84. Hello Bev
    This looks absolutely stunning and I would lOVe to have a copy in my hands right now - I need some inspiration!
    Many thanks for the recipe - I'm going to make those biscuits to have with lunch today.

    I've posted about it on my blog and added the book photo for the Giveaway to my side bar.
    8 FINGERS CROSSED - and ten toes too!!
    Shane ♥

  85. I shared with my Facebook friends and hope that the spring inspired cover of the cookbook will come to my home and move the snow off my lawn!

  86. I shared the recipe with my Facebook friends and i am looking forward to seeing the new cookbook.

  87. Shared with my FB friends!! I would love to win one of your cookbooks!!

  88. shared with my sister in law via email

  89. shared it on facebook,
    now i want to share the cheddar ones with my tummy!

  90. I am sharing on Facebook...I would so love your new cookbook...I have the old one and just made the potatoe salad today and it was fabolous...thank you and may God bless you

  91. Sarah Buller FentonApril 15, 2013 at 4:18 PM

    Shared on Facebook. I'm always eager to see what each day's recipe and post is.

  92. Shared on facebook...twice....I made your black forest cake for my daughter's going away dinner last August...she went to Germany :) This dark chocolate cake was incredible! I would devour the cookbook I am sure! Love your site!

  93. I shared your cover photo on Facebook.

  94. I shared this info with my daughters by appreciate your website and all the MGCC gals' recipes, helpful tips and spiritual thoughts...blessings.

  95. I told my Mom about it! I'm very excited for its release!

  96. I have tried so many of your recipes and established new family favorites.
    Thanks for sharing them with us.
    I shared this with my sister via email.

  97. I share with my daughter, who bought me your first book...

  98. I shared and commented on FB.

  99. Check your site everyday for a great new recipe! I have shared the site with my neice who is an ardent cook. I would love to have the recipe book!

  100. I shared by sending this site to my sister in law! LF in MD

  101. I have used several of your recipes from the blog and love perusing all of them. I just set up Facebook for my blog on the weekend which was long overdue and I've shared about your giveaway draw there. I'll tweet it as well for some lucky person will love to win your new cook book.
    Thank you for an opportunity to win it.

  102. I shared it with my sister.

  103. I want to learn to cook this year. Looking at the beautiful photos on your website serves as inspiration for me! : )
    I shared on Facebook.

  104. Oh yesiree, I'm feeling lucky to win this book. I live in Oregon and come to BC every two months to visit my mom in a nursing home. We arrived today the beginning of this contest and the announcement of the winner is April 17 on my mom's birthday. That would make me soooooo happy to be the winner on her 92nd birthday. I've told everyone about your blog and book. Lucy

  105. I shared with my sister-in-law. We both follow your blog and have made several recipes listed

  106. One of my most favorite, "favorites"..... Thank you for all your efforts in making this a very wonderful site. I shared on Facebook.

    Ang Nickel

  107. Wonderful recipe!
    And I so love to win that book! I shared on Facebook, on my blog and pinned it. I'm also shaing with friends.
    Thank you to you wondeful ladies for starting this site and your books. I was talking with co-worker last week about your site; we both love it. Another lady heard us and is going to check you out!
    Keep up the great work.

  108. i tweeted

  109. Shared on Facebook and e-mailed my friends. Made sure I told everyone to follow your wonderful blog!

  110. shared on facebook - would love to own this book.

  111. Shared on facebook. I have made many recipes from your blog. In fact, I have adapted many of your recipes to gluten free, and they are wonderful! Jenny Hiebert

  112. Shared on Facebook! Really looking forward to this wonderful new cookbook and I hope I win; I would be thrilled to own it. I peruse your site everyday.

  113. Don't have twitter, don't blog, can't figure out how to share on Facebook-sorry, not too tech savvy here! But love your site and share it with family and friends:)

  114. Shared on facebook and would be so pleased to win the new recipe book!

  115. I don't do face book, but I follow your blog and love your first cookbook. I would love to win your guy new book. If not, I can wait for it to come out so I can buy it.

  116. I don't do face book, sorry. Love your blog
    my email is

  117. Shared through my facebook page:) Love your recipe's ladies and how you are using your gifts to support others with the proceeds.

  118. It's been a particularly hectic day and am just now on my computer and hope I am not too late to enter. I have your first cookbook and would love to win the second. I don't facebook but give the credit to MGCC whenever I make one of your recipes and I receive compliments on it.

  119. I have shared with my daughter, who gave me your first cookbook for Mother's Day last year. Love it! The recipes bring back many memories of Sunday afternoons at Oma's. I would dearly love to win your second book, but if I don't, I'll be buying it! Thank you for bringing us even more wonderful recipes.

  120. I've shared on Facebook. Would love to have this cookbook!

  121. I am looking forward to trying the biscuits!! They look really good!!!

  122. I shared with our daughter. I love your website and have tried several different recipes. I also love your Sundays.

  123. I shared it on facebook and with our dinner guests!

  124. Just logged on this morning here in the 10pm last night your blog info was not in my inbox.....and now it is the 16th....I will definitely share this great recipe with my daughter today....we loved the soup recipe and always am blessed with the spiritual messages and wisdom shared.

  125. My daily addiction: checking MGCC for the recipe of the day! Love it!

  126. Shared on Pinterest - pinned to My Wishlist... I would love to win a copy of it!

  127. Shared with my family. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful book. Love your recipes.

  128. sharing with friends and family and Facebook! Thank you for all your wonderful recipes and generous helpings of daily encouragement!

  129. Shared with email. Am always excited when I open MGCC. Today's jalapeno pizza looks so yummy. Will try it for hubby (he's from Texas, need I say more). Thank you all for the time you spend with these daily recipes. It is much appreciated. Sophie mama

  130. Hazel
    I shared through email and word of mouth. Im so excited with this book, I never made our bread (pandesal) with success for years then I saw the recipe here and I did it right away and it was good and I made pizza too (never made pizza before) with this book it seems so easy.Thanks so much Mennonite girls can cook!

  131. Shared by email to all those in my address book! ; ) I just LOVE MGCC recipes! THanks so much.


  132. I shared it with my family via e-mail. Looks like a wonderful book!

  133. I shared on Facebook. Love your books and web site!!

  134. I ma sharing your beautiful new cookbook on Pinterest on "My favorite cookbooks" board! Congratulations!!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.