Pizza Day in the Kitchen
One of the joys of being a grandmother is to find ways to spend time with my grand-girls.
One way is in the kitchen. Recently my girls wanted to learn how to make pizza from scratch.
We spent an enjoyable few hours.
The pizzas are gluten free since both my granddaughters have Celiac.
The recipe they used for their crust is found
here, and then they both chose their own toppings.
Building memories, passing on the skills we have learned is such fun..
Azuki Koshian
To my delight, my granddaughters beginning to do their own exploring in the kitchen.
Having a Japanese student living with them has also expanded their palates in trying foods
other than traditional family favorites.
My younger granddaughter recently asked me to sample the above Japanese dessert
that she had made.
It has an unusual texture, a little like wet marshmallow
with an exotic/fruity, mild flavour, and is not very sweet.
If you have occasion to entertain Japanese neighbours or tourists,
my granddaughter said she found
this video most helpful in instructing how to make this delicacy.
She added,
" but also make sure to mention in your post that if a person makes it, that they should coat their hands with LOTS of corn starch before handling the sweet rice after its been in the microwave!"
A Saturday Cleaning Tip
Another way I have always been assured of having a 'connecting' point with my girls is that if any thing needs fixing , I am the 'go-to' person.
When my older granddaughter was a toddler, she picked up the idea that I could fix anything,
and so if anything broke, or a piece of clothing tore, or a toy didn't work, she would carry it to the front door, and say, "Nanna fix it".
When I would come over there was always a pile at the door waiting for me !
That hasn't really changed, My younger granddaughter called me yesterday to ask if I could fix her favourite cream jacket. It was dry-clean only and she had spilled chocolate on it.
I got it all out without even a faint remain of the stain and no rings from spot cleaning.
What I used was the Miracle Cleaner - that white sponge thing.
I wish I had taken photos of the before and after, but I didn't. I have used the sponge before to get hard to remove spots from clothing and it works! You need no soap, and you don't have to wet more of the garment than just the spot, because you don't have to rinse out the soap.
Just wet the sponge and gently rub the spot.