Julie in Her Kitchen
There is lots that I would have done differently if I had had a say when my current home was built - but I didn't, so I had to take it 'as is'. I was delighted, however, that the most important room for me - the kitchen - did have almost all of the things that I look for, and what it didn't have my handy husband was able to build for me.
Would I love new appliances or granite counter tops? Sure! But those are not inexpensive and I am content in my kitchen - happy to spend time in it, which I do!
On my list of 'must haves' in a kitchen are ...
I like the kitchen to be a 'room' in itself, which mine is ...
It must have lots of cupboards,
a window over the sink,
a working island
I also love an 'eat-in' kitchen ...
with lots of windows,
the view must be of trees and wildlife ...
Which I have as the photo below shows.
I also love a kitchen to have lots of interest ... detail ... a room that I like to 'look at'.
Here is what I see from the entry arch before I enter my kitchen ...
and yes ... my fridge door is my 'display wall' !! Sorry!
Below is a closer view of the corner ... it was an empty space when we moved in. A space not big enough for a sitting area but too big to leave bare - so my husband added a pantry section to the cupboards beside the fridge and then built in the corner desk/cupboard shelves unit. A better view of it in the photo below. Second photo shows my decor accents in the high space above my cupboards.

There is a German word that describes something I enjoy doing in my kitchen and because this is a MENNONITE girls' blog, I will share the word with you ... maybe you are familiar with it. The word is Schmengen. There is no English word to translate its meaning, so if I was to describe what the word 'schmengen' means I would say it is to sneak tempting morsels that might spoil your appetite. Taking that extra chocolate from the candy bowl, licking the beaters, sampling the cookie dough ... or tasting one (or two!) cookies as they come out of the oven, even though you aren't at all hungry, would all come under that word 'schmengen' ... For those of you familiar with the word, would you agree?
My kitchen may not be a kitchen you would like.
Do you have a 'must have' list for your ideal kitchen?
What is your favorite feature of your kitchen?
What is the one thing you would change in your kitchen - if money was no object?