Mystery Solved !! I knew our 'smart' readers could do it ! Thank you soooo much !!! You are all wonderful !
Here is the response from the company's Germany office... Hi! I am the Customer Service Rep at WMF Americas that was contacted about this piece. Our Germany office found it in an old US catalog (2002). It is actually a citrus reamer - used for extracting juices from lemons, limes, etc. This particular piece was discontinued several years ago. check out our website!
'thetroikatable' found a picture of it on line dispelling all doubt !
***At the end of the day ..... Thank you one and all for your interest and your comments.
Thorstenveblen, I'm sorry you were bored with my 'fun' post but you are certainly entitled to your opinion... Maybe you just had a bad day ... but I did have to smile at Miss Manners who so politely reminded you to mind yours !
Thank you, Ashley, I agree -- It MUST be a kitchamajig - and shall henceforth be referred to as such ! smile
I agree that Foley Fork seems to be the more reasonable answer but it does not seem to follow the normal design of handle ... it is fat and awkward to hold.... here is a photo of it held in a hand.

Sarah C , I appreciated you e-mailing the company .. what an interesting response! I'm very curious to see if there is a response from the Germany office.
I thought Esther's idea of a pastry/decorating tool was interesting and I am going to try that.
Tracy, I'm sorry but my husband forgot where he bought it ... we tried to retrace his 'journey' a couple of days after he brought it home but we could not find another in any of the places he remembered being --- so I'm afraid I can't help you!
All of your suggestions and ideas were helpful and I enjoyed reading them all ! Thank you so much for making my day !!

I just finished reading a book where the author remembers a conversation
she had in a Middle East home.
The women gathered there were eagerly offering advice to a young bride.
One older woman said... "Ohh.. absolutely necessary is for you to have a Motkhenna."
The author, not familiar with that Arabic word asked what a Motkhenna was.
The older woman looked her askance!
"You do not know what a Motkhenna is ?"
and getting one from the kitchen she explained ....
"A Motkhenna is important in the kitchen. You can grind wheat or corn for cakes and bread. And you can grind vegetables and tomatoes for sauces. It is 'daruri' (essential) for every wife's kitchen!"
Smiling politely, the author agreeed to make sure she looked for one next time she was shopping.
How could she describe her high-powered food processor to a woman who thought her ill-equipped without a stone grinding slab in her kitchen?
We recognize that almost as important as as a well stocked pantry, are the appliances and utensils that make our kitchen user friendly.
Some time ago ... my pastry blender broke and I noted a request for another on the shopping list I handed my husband.
Thinking that there must be a pastry blender better than the one I'd broken, he came home with a strange utensil that I had no idea what it was.
No one I have asked has had any idea either !
Now .. I love a good handy kitchen utensil ... but what do you do with a perfect good utensil for which you have no use ??
So, I have pictured my utensil in the above photo .. and throw out a challenge!
Can anyone solve this mystery for me ? PLEASE?
Surely someone out there must know what it is for !!