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Bread for the Journey

"And you must think constantly about these commandments I am giving you today.
You must teach them to your children, 
and talk about them when you are at home or out for a walk;
at bedtime and first thing in the morning.
Tie them on your finger, wear them on your forehead
and write them on the door posts of your house."
Deuteronomy 6:7-9

When I was a young parent...I remembered hearing those scripture words quoted.
They have been embedded in my heart for years and years.
I'm one who loves visual learning and this commandment could not of been better said.
I remember thinking what it would look like if I went running around with ribbons on my fingers....
posting verses all over the doors and windows...
Knowing and recognizing the influence that parents can model, I too wanted to influence my children.
We are taught to use the practical day to day aspects of life to teach our children,
not just those related to church and to private schools.

This past year I have had the pleasure of working through
'One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.
Once again, she has illustrated how we can stop and marvel at the depth,
and detail, the light and shadow, of all the scattered moments in life.
Again, in our practical day to day living, whether cleaning up their rooms,
or washing the boys clothes, or baking them some cookies;
we can continue exercising the gift of prayer and thanksgiving for the next generation.

Today,  my heart warms as I've discovered  young parents teaching young children
to bow down quietly in reverence before their Maker.
Let's encourage one another in teaching our children and grandchildren the truths.
The words from the scriptures give proof that the next generation hands on the legacy of faith.

Whether you are young or old...
join with me as we continue to see the daily blessings that God gives to us.
Let's dare and encourage each other to live fully right where we are.
 "They awaken us to our lives...
One hundred times a day, everywhere we turn, everything we touch, everything we see.  
Holy One of blessing, Your presence fill the Universe.
Your presence fills me."


  1. Children - oh the joy they bring!! Thank you for this wonderful post.

  2. It brings us joy to physically as well as intellectually abide in that scripture by placing a mezuzah on our doorpost. It also gladdens my heart to see scriptures stenciled in rooms, engraved on jewelry and recited verbatim in song.

    Our Messianic friends celebrate Simcha Torah...a lovely event where the faith community gathers to read together the final passages of the year's Scripture reading. Children, couples and various other segments of the group each read aloud a passage, followed by celebration.

    When the final passage is read everyone dances and rejoices...and here is the best part...not because they have finished the year's reading, but because they get to begin reading it all again! Isn't that the way it should be for all of us?

  3. Thankyou for your encouraging words and heart for Jesus..Bless you

  4. Jeremiah 31:16&17
    This is what the Lord says...
    "So there is hope for your future," declares the Lord "Your children will return to their own land."

    This is always a wonderful promise I have clung to for my family. A precious picture of your grandson.


  5. alk4meeOur daughter taught their boys from young to memorize scripture using actions - each time I hear this verse" " all your ways ACK-knowledge Him and He will direct your paths." I can see them in my minds eye acting out the verse and taking delight in God's words.

  6. Wow, what a beautiful post. Thank you so much! As a mother to two young boys, this was a gorgeous reminder of teaching my children. What a precious gift to give to them.

    Just today our little 3 year old came home with his FIRST Bible verse from Sunday school. We have "posted" it on our fridge and I will read it with him every morning at breakfast until he gets a new one!

  7. Hei...Das Wort Gottes ist wunderbar.Die Kinder das beizubringen ist ein Segen.Die Bibel sagt wir sollen das Wort in undere Herzen schreiben um nicht zu Sünden.Wunderschöne Beitrag hast du uns geschrieben.Gott segnet dich,dein Sohn,deine Familie.Bussi.Luciene.

  8. What a sweet photo.
    I just bought Ann's book a week ago--haven't read it yet though.

  9. The beautiful innocence of children and grand children's prayers are so touching and pure. We can learn from them!


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