Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Bread for the Journey

Recently, when I opened my freezer, I was surprised to see a big crack in the pail that held blended strawberries prepared for jam. I remembered that when I poured in the thick liquid mixture, I had noticed a short crack, right at the top - maybe just over an inch long - but since the liquid did not go up to the crack, I figured it would be fine. I closed the lid on it and stored it away for a winter cooking day.What I did not take into consideration was how the pressure of the mixture freezing and expanding would cause the crack to grow.

When I saw this, I immediately thought about a sermon we had just heard on how small disagreements can cause great friction when under pressure, disrupting the unity we have in the faith. In Philippians, 4: 2 the apostle Paul pleads with Euodia and with Sintyche to agree with each other in the Lord. Why would he beg them so? He knew the harm that their disunity would do to their growth and witness.

This broken pail was a vivid picture and reminder for me to take care of small things before they become big issues. As believers and partakers  in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we want to follow His example and be gentle and forgiving towards one another. We want to remember that we need each other and that our witness is squelched when we argue and fight.
From the Word of God:

"In your anger do not sin":
Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."
Ephesians 4:26
Jesus said,
"By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another."
John 13:35



  1. Hi there, I just found your blog. All the recipes and foods look very good - I'll have to try some! I especially enjoyed the "Bread for the Journey" entry. Thanks for the insight, it is very true and sometimes I need reminding.


  2. I appreciate this reminder that we should "take care of the small things before they become big issues." If we all heeded this advice, we'd have more harmonious lives!

  3. Thanks for sharing this Anneliese. The Lord used it to prompt me to take care of a relational issue...

  4. Thank you, Anneliese .. It reminds me of that verse about small foxes spoiling the vine .. Song of Solomon 2:15
    I'll remember the crack in your pail and the lesson it teaches !

  5. Thank you Anneliese,

    I needed to be reminded that today



  6. Thank you for the reminder. The vivid picture will stay with me a long time!

  7. Thank you Anneliese for this reminder! A great object lesson for me!

  8. A very important measure--thank you for bringing it to our attention!!!


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