It was last year around this time that God impressed upon my heart a desire for the spiritual roots in my life to grow deeper and stronger. I prayed that I'd begin to read His Word with clearer understanding, gaining new insights. I've found myself being challenged and strengthened.
The invitation to "Abide in Me" struck me new this past week after reading part of a letter Hudson Taylor wrote to his sister.
How great seemed my mistake in wishing to get the sap, the fullness out of Him! The vine is not the root merely, but all-root, stem, branches, twigs. And Jesus is not that alone. He is oil and sunshine, air and showers, and ten thousand times more than we have ever dreamed, wished for or needed. Oh, the joy of seeing this truth! Can Christ be rich and I poor? Can your head be well fed while your body starves?
The Word of God keeps us firmly planted and develops a strong root system in the believer's life, but what springs up from those roots is in constant need of His pruning, shaping, grafting and feeding. As we allow Him to care for us, His beauty and likeness and fruit are then produced in our lives.
Our Father the Vine keeper, watches over us every moment. He waters, tends, protects, prunes and shapes that we can bear fruit for Him. Join me by inviting Him daily to be your Vine keeper, giving His name all the glory as we flourish under His care.
John 15:5
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
I love this reminder to abide in the vine. Thanks so much for sharing this!