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Bread For the Journey

Harv and I chose this verse from Joshua 24:15 for our wedding.
We were very young and had little experience but we did have examples in our parents 
and Grandparents who chose to serve God through good and bad. 
When making our marriage vows, we consciously made the choice 
to make God the foundation of our marriage.

I was thinking about this the other day.  
With all the wars, famine, tsunamis, earthquakes and now in the news again, refugee crises, 
one could almost be justified in asking,
 "Is there really a God and if there is, why is this world in such a mess?'
We read verses about God answering prayers, and yet at times, 
our prayers don't seem to have much effect.
We are told in the Bible, that God heals, but we still suffer and die from illnesses.
We read that God will never abandon the righteous 
and yet some face trial after trial.

I've had questions that reoccur;
 "Is there a way to know absolutely and without doubt that God exists? 
Does Christ's death really save us from eternal damnation?
Is there even a Heaven and a Hell?
How can we know?

My conclusion is that we can't.

However I can choose to believe in God, in His love for me,
in His righteousness, His Holiness and in His promises of eternal life.

This is where faith comes in - believing in that which we cannot see or verify as fact.
And I do choose to believe...
I choose this day Whom to believe in and Whom to serve.
God is my Rock, my Salvation and I will follow Him.


  1. Amen Bev! This is exactly how I feel sometimes. We must choose to believe and trust that there is a God!!! That is a beautiful verse to have as your wedding verse. I too learned by example from my parents and grandparents - such a blessing to have this legacy!

  2. It is indeed a blessing to have a heritage rich with godly example. My mom had this verse on a plaque in our house and I remember, being the 3rd from the top of a family of ten children, rocking the baby-carriage of a restless baby and sometimes singing this verse over and over to try to lull the baby to sleep.
    When I got married I hung this verse in our home as well.

    Yes, it is a choice we make, but the most valuable choice ever.

    Thank-you for you words of wisdom and solidarity and faith!

  3. Thank you, Bev. I choose Him, too!

  4. Yes we all are free to choose, but yet each choice we make we will have to pay the price of our choices. Whats wrong with the world is men seems to forget about God, they forget to put God first, they are just quick to forget. Just read the Bible how quick men are to forget until all is at end and then they wish they remembered. :) (it's only going to get worse before it gets better -sad but true). I enjoy your blog.

  5. Thank you for posting such Truth. I agree with you. Experience has shown me this is the only choice I want. When I do have questions, I get to remember those experiences and be steadfast.

  6. Without faith there is no salvation. The bible tells us we can know we have been saved. But until we step out on faith and believe it is so, it will not be given to us.When we ask in faith He is faithful and just to forgive us from all of our sins and to save us. As far as the sickness and evil in the world. The world is still laboring under the sin of Adam. We are not promised an easy time of it. But we are promised that God will never leave us nor forsake us during our trials. Our time on earth is very short in comparison to eternity. So while we are here we labor for the Lord and try to get as many people to hear the gospel in hopes they will see the truth and choose Jesus. Once we reach heaven, we will see the true treasures that He has laid aside for us.

  7. Beautifully stated!


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