Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Bread for the Journey

I've been working in the garden this last week.  Everything is fresh and new shoots are sprouting everywhere.  All around me life is being replenished and new life is beginning.  We sleep with our window open and  the cheery singing of birds are my first clue that morning has come.  The birds have been busy for the last few weeks preparing their nests and lately I've noticed that they are aware of my presence in the garden as they wait on the lawn with their beaks heavy with worms.   Once they feel safe....they'll fly up into the nest and feed their baby birds and then their task is repeated again...and again.

A  mothers heart desires to do the thing that needs to be done even when they are exhausted from night time feedings....stomach flu...migraine headaches...and responsibilities in the home. As a grandmother, I have the privilege now to know two very special  mothers that care for their children like that.  They do not consider their own needs first...even though sometimes they should.  I can still remember my own Mom standing at the stove quietly making supper while we squabbled and played in the background being totally unaware that she was suffering with a headache.  It would only be when my Dad would come home that we were all quickly made aware of her needs...instead of our own.  It wasn't until I was a mom myself that I fully understood that she loved us more than I ever thought possible.

I've been reading the book of  Jude this past week and though it  is not written about motherhood, my heart was drawn to the benediction at the end of the chapter.  It is not my own strength and knowledge that we will keep me from stumbling.  Women are constantly told through media that "we are strong women...we can do it".  In reality it is not my own strength but the strong arm of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is there to help me and guide me.  I remember as a young woman sometimes carrying the weight of guilt around needlessly when I was not always patient and tender with our small charges or when our home was  not spotless.

Strive to seek God's word for wisdom in raising your children and in your relationships with their Daddy.  May we rest in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father loves our children more than we do and will keep his eye on the sparrows no matter if they are fledglings in the nest or have gone on to build their own nests and have peeps of their own.  Lastly,  may we joyfully give honor to our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ who knows us in our weakness and has promised through his great mercy and gift of forgiveness to  present us blameless before our Father in heaven.

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority,  before all time and now and forever. Amen

Jude verses 24, 25 ESV

Happy Mothers Day to all of you who care for those that God has entrusted to you!


  1. Thank you, Lovella... so true.. our strength is not in ourselves but His strength in our weakness.

    I got a funny jolt when your photo came up.. I took an exact same photo yesterday evening !

  2. It's so true that our perspective as children changes as we grow and have children of our own. I also see my mom in a different light now and am so grateful for her. Mother's Day is a poignant time for me as my Mom passed a few days after Mother's Day. Thank you for this.

  3. Lovella, it sounds like we had similar parents. My mom suffered tremendously with migraines and yet perserved as long as she could through them. My Dad loved and cared for her extravagantly. Just as God loves and cares for all of us. Today, we will gather around my mom, since this will be a difficult day. Dad just passed away 6 weeks ago. Thank you for the reminded from Jude that He is able to keep us from stumbling and presnt us blameless. I love benedictions. I often speak them to my teens as I drop them off at school. Happy Mothers day to the MGCC team!

  4. What a beautiful post...thank you. Happy Mother's Day to all of you!

  5. Woman of wisdom,
    Thank you for this timely word. Happy Mother's Day!

  6. I love this benediction, reminding us of where our strength comes from!

    Although Mother's Day is generally a happy day, it is not so for everyone. There are those for whom it is a reminder of a recenot or long ago goodbye. It may also be a reminder of something they could never have. May we all accept that God is able to help us start new - if that is needed and that He is enough for our need, whatever it is, when we commit it to Him. He is able.


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