Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Our Final Day

It’s late Thursday evening as I sit down to view the photos that are supposed to capture the events of the day. They say a picture is worth a thousand words . . . and yet, I know that neither words nor pictures are adequate to describe the emotions of the friendships forged in these three days.
We carpooled in twos and threes, gathering as a group in Chilliwack’s beautiful Minter Garden. Some took advantage of the sunshine for their drive in.

By now we are getting rather good at seeing the right photo op and quickly finding a willing participant to take on a slew of cameras. The little business card tucked into their possession just might bring them to this site and see what all the fuss is about. (Top -left to right - Judy, Marg, Lovella -Middle - Julie, Betty, Anneliese, Bev - sitting at the bottom - Ellen, Kathy, Charlotte.)

We strolled along meandering paths through lush flowering gardens . . .

Stopping on bridges …

with our cameras in hand, giving each other tips on photography . . .

and Lovella showing us how it’s done.

We talked about things that don’t matter . . . and things that do.

Although summer is quickly coming to an end, the gardeners have done a great job keeping the grounds beautiful and showing off what’s in season.

The smiles came easy!

Our final meal was hosted by Julie in her Clubhouse . . .

A true Mennonite meal of Borscht, Zwieback and Schnetki! Just what we would have ordered by this time!
We laughed . . . we cried and we encouraged one another as we allowed ourselves to be real . . . and in doing this, we each realized our unique fit into a group where we are loved the way we are. . . yet challenged to grow and be who we were meant to be . . . in this season of our lives.

Thank you to Marg and Kathy for the entertainment and organizing our first of - hopefully many - mini re-treats!


  1. I cannot tell you all how very much I have enjoyed this "summit". I have looked and relooked at every picture...the pretty and happy faces of this group of women, the amazingly delicious looking food, the beautiful homes and the lovely NW scenery. It has truly blessed my heart that you all took the time to document this exciting event with pictures and words. Congratulations to each and every one of you. One thing for sure... your recipes deserve recognition and now you are all receiving it. So much fun!

  2. Wait a minute! You can't get away that fast...who are those "ladies"? LOL!

    It's been fun to watch your get-together from afar. I so hope that you will include one of these group shots in your sidebar here so that we can know who you are!

    Thank you for sharing all the fun!

  3. I've been so excited each day to read about your gatherings! It looked like so much fun! Thanks for sharing your hearts AND your recipes with us.

  4. How great. I would fit right in with all of you!!

  5. What a lovely time you had together! I'm so happy for you. Thanks for the moment by moment report. I can just imagine the laughter - and the tears. How sweet to share in that sister fellowship. I was blessed just reading about it. Thanks!

  6. Another 'thank you for sharing' your time together. These posts were a joy to read.

  7. What fun for you girls! Just getting caught up with my blog roll this morning, I feel like I missed the party! Thank you for sharing your retreat with us. Minter Gardens is on our list of places to go. {The BC Museum of Mining, won the vote on our most recent trip.} Maybe next time we'll do the gardens! Such beautiful country, British Columbia is! May God continue to inspire you all in your sharings on this blog! God Bless each of you ladies.

  8. Thank you for choosing to share your trip. I really helps me feel connected with you all and your blog. I have driven past Minter Gardens so many times, it really must make it through the gates sometime soon.

  9. Gosh, a woman's retreat sans cabins and bunk beds: What an improvement on the concept!

    I am happy to think that not only was the gathering a time of joy and hearts meeting hearts but that the weather was so nice that sleeveless attire worked for the time at Minter Gardens. Blessed beyond blessings in so many ways. I thought about all your great-great grandmothers and the challenges they faced in the their lives. Surely if they could see you all from heaven they would be exclaiming in satisfaction at what their determination had allowed for their decendants.

  10. I have just finished reading about your time together. It is really touching. You all are very lucky to have such great friends. The food and scenery also looks amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I always enjoy looking at your site. :)

  11. Thank-you all for your lovely blog. Glad to see you had a wonderful time together, your blog is a blessing to me and to my friends and family.
    Thank-you for sharing your gifts and knowledge.
    God bless,

  12. Oh I am singing the song of joy with you...what a wonderful time you all I had...I can see it in your lovely smiles. What a blessing to have those prairie girls there with you finally and Ellen too. Wonderful! Well, now how will you follow that? I am waiting! Thanks for must have been hard to chose the right picture from all of those lovely shots!

  13. What a wonderful adventure with such good friends. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. I love your "fashionable" friends!

  14. I see I've been missing out on some interesting posts recently! It is obvious everyone had a fabulous time.


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