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Mason Jar Lid Pies

 Everyone loves mini-pies, it seems...
but not everyone has mini-pie pans at their disposal.
Or do they?
Who doesn't have Mason jar lids in their cupboard?
They work fabulously as a wee pie pan.
The mason jar lids are like a little spring-form pan...
and the wee pies pop right out.
They are the perfect little hand-pie!

The rhubarb in the garden is ready for the picking...
so I decided do see for myself if the Mason jar lids really doubled as pie pans.
And yes, they do!

  • 6 Mason jar lids and rings, wide-mouth size
  • 1 box refrigerated pie crust or pastry for a double-crusted pie.
  • 2 cups rhubarb, chopped
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  1. Wash and chop rhubarb quite fine
  2. Combine rhubarb, sugar, flour and nutmeg. Set aside.
  3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  4. Place 6 wide-mouth mason jar rings on the baking sheet. Place 6 lids inside the rings with the rubber seal facing down and the top of the lid facing up. Spray the lids and rings with non-stick cooking spray.
  5. Roll out pastry for one pie crust (or use refrigerated pastry). Using a mason jar ring as a guide, create a bottom crust by cutting a circle about 1/2 inch around the lid.
  6. Carefully fit the crust inside a jar lid on the prepared pan. The crust should hang over edge of ring a bit.
  7. Repeat until you have 6 bottom crusts. (You will need to re-roll the scraps.)
  8. Place filling into each crust.
  9. To make the top crusts, roll out the second sheet of pastry and use a jar ring to cut 6 more circles.
  10. Place the top crusts over the filling. Try to pinch the top and bottom pastry together to seal. (As you can see, my seal never quite held!)
  11. Prick upper crust with fork in several places.
  12. Bake the pies in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes or until the filling is bubbly and the crust is golden.
  13. Cool on a wire rack. 
  14. Run a knife along the edge of the mason jar ring to release the pie.
Serves 6

* The mason jar lids wash up beautifully in the dishwasher!


  1. this is the best idea!!!

  2. What a perfect idea! Definitely trying this, although it might have to be apple for now, rhubarb is just coming out of the ground in northern Alberta!

  3. What a great idea! Love it!!! I will absolutely be trying this.

  4. Thanks for this fun recipe using mason jar lids. Would love to try rhubarb, but it doesn't grow down here in southwest Louisiana. Guess I will try pecan ;) Linda@wetcreek Blog

    1. Linda,
      That is what I was thinking--since I don't have rhubarb around here, pecan will have to do. From another Linda.

  5. What a terrific idea! Will also give this a try for mini quiches for our B&B breakfasts

  6. Love this idea! Curious--would the lids still work for canning??

    1. I don't think I would risk it. But I used lids that had already done their duty as canning lids. :)

    2. these are adorable, you could make savory and sweet little hand pies--thanks for sharing wouldn't have ever thought to try this

    3. I always reuse canning lids for other projects. That way, I got two uses from the lids. I use them in the freezer and for airtight storage of things I dehydrate. I never use a new lid for anything but canning.

  7. Oh Judy - this is brilliant!!! What a sweet idea - mini spring form pans indeed.

  8. Oh My Goodness!!! What a great...neat idea. Now all I have to do is learn to make a decent pie crust more then 1 in 5 times. Thanks

  9. That is an absolutely great idea!

  10. How fun is that? I have lots of rhubarb and may just try that today.

  11. I think that I will try this for dessert tonight. It's fun to see these kind of ideas.

  12. going to try this with my home canned apple pie filling

  13. Brilliant, on the to do list

  14. Strawberries are in season here in Alabama. Can't wait to try!

  15. for sealing, try brushing a bit of water on the dough, then pressing together - works for me.

  16. What a super idea! Pinned it so I remember to try it!
    BTW, I found you through The Cutting Edge of Ordinary.
    (I'm SO thankful to have found you!)
    ~ Dana

  17. Love this idea! I was wondering, is it possible to reuse the lids to make several batches of mini pies? Or is it a one time use only type of deal?

    Laura :)
