Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Fruit Crisp

Crisps are such a quick dessert to throw together when company walks in the door. If you have some fruit on hand and basic pantry ingredients, you will never be in a pinch for something to serve. Rhubarb is one of our favorite crisps. I love to serve individual crisps. It makes serving a cinch and everyone gets the perfect amount of fruit and crispy topping.
To make it easier yet. . .I am providing the ingredients. . .per person. . . do a little math. . and you can make it for four. . .or two. . .or eight.
Fruit Crisp
Ingredients per person
  • 3/4 cup of chopped fruit. . .I've used rhubarb in these pictures
  • 1 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar. . .( I like it not too sweet. . so increase sugar to four tbsp. if you do)
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 2 tablespoons rolled oats ( I use a hearty hot breakfast cereal that has rolled oats, rye flakes, sunflower seeds, barley flakes, and flax seed. . .why not add a bit of nutrition to the mix?)


  1. Spray your individual small gratin dishes or 8 ounce ramekins with cooking spray. . or use a square pan for four people.
  2. Divide the rhubarb into each dish.
  3. In a food processor. . . (not at all necessary). . combine your butter, brown sugar and flour.
  4. Dump the butter mixture in a bowl. .. and crumble in your oats with your fingers. . .until well mixed and crumbly.
  5. Evenly divide the crumb mixture over each gratin dish.
  6. Preheat oven to 375. . .and bake until the top is crunchy and well browned. . and the bottom has formed a thick bubbly sauce.. . .about 35 minutes. I pop these in the oven while we are eating dinner. They can be put together in the afternoon and left to sit covered with plastic wrap on the counter.


  1. Yep, tis the season for crisps, cobblers and rhubarb anything. This is a great idea, individual servings. Yum.

  2. This sounds really good. I could probably leave out all the sugar since I am not into sweets at all, except for ice creme.

  3. Sounds easy and delish! I need to leave some of the sugar out, too!

  4. I love the idea of individual servings Lovella..and a fruit crisp is such a great easy dessert.

  5. Wonderful. I make one similar with mixed berries and the oat topping. Thanks for reminding me.

  6. That fruit crisp looks delicious! I'm still waiting for someone to get me some rhubarb, as I don't have my own plants. Mmm...warm rhubarb crips...I can't wait!

  7. Ah, but you might pucker if you cut down on the sugar, and you definitely will if you leave it out altogether!

  8. This might just be our dessert today! I was planning something with rhubarb. Love the individual serving idea!

  9. Individual crisps are a great idea...I just need some nice serving dishes!

    We had bumbleberry crisp for supper last night...with crumbs from the freezer (I make them in bulk and freeze in ziplock bags).

  10. Judy .. .what a fantastic idea .. could you post the bulk recipe?

  11. I like doing the bulk crumbs as well. Doesn't take any longer to crumble a larger recipe with a pastry blender and it's so nice to open the freezer and there they are...just add the frozen fruit. In fact, I just now compared your recipe to mine (Berry or Apple Crumble) and it's pretty well the same . .. you just use more sugar to sweeten rhubarb...which I would also recommend. Without the sugar, you wouldn't get the nice juices.

  12. Perfect, Lovella! What a neat idea to do the invidual servings!
    and yes, rhubarb is my favorite crisp!!

    The bulk crumbs is a great timesaver idea - thank you,Judy!!

  13. we make crisps so often around here. I make large ones in my largest roaster. that way we have leftovers for breakfast the next morning. it's like poridge with fruit.

  14. My mom would make rubarb crisp for us kids, and I have made it for my children. I am off to the country tommorrow, I think I will get my self some rubarb and make some crisps for my grandchildren.
