Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Bread for the Journey

The First Easter Sunday at Dawn
The Unveiling of God's Greatest Gift to Man

In those early morning hours no one recognized how important the dawning day was -
that it would forever change the world.
In fact many hearts were still heavy with the sorrow of knowing Jesus was dead.
But then the word spread from mouth to mouth, from house to house.
Could it be?

Resurrection Sunday was God's trump card!
It was in His hand from the very beginning, even before He began His creation.
The best kept secret was finally unveiled !
Though Adam sinned and through him, everyone stands condemned before God,
God was not willing that man should perish in his sin.
Jesus, the Son of God, slain for the sin of the world,
would not remain in the grave, but rise triumphant and victorious over death.
He would reign as King of Kings,
a King
of a glorious Kingdom of Light.
Anyone who believes on Jesus, embracing His life and love
and following Him in obedience
will reign with Him ,
forever in glory !

Jesus said...
"I am the resurrection and the life ,
he that believes in Me,
though he were dead ,
yet shall he live!"
John 11:25

"Jesus Christ is risen today,
Our triumphant holy day;
Who did once upon the cross,
Suffer to redeem our loss.
--from a Latin hymn of the 15th century


  1. Hallelujah! Christ is Risen....Christ is Risen Indeed.
    Thank you for this Julie.

  2. The tomb is empty - Hallelujah!!!

  3. Up from the grave He arose! Hallelujah,Christ arose!

  4. Couldn't start my day without checking in on your page--always pleased with what I read. Thank you. Praise the Lord!!

  5. Thank you for this triumphant post Julie - a wonderful start to Easter Sunday.

  6. Death is dead - Christ has conquered - Alleluia

  7. I will feel at peace the day my time comes. I will see my mom and dad again. My dad passed in 2007 and my mom 2010. I miss them everyday.

  8. My Mom and Dad always greeted us with "He is risen" Easter morning, to which we replied "He is risen indeed!". My parents both passed away recently, but my brother posts on my Facebook Easter morning "He is risen", to which I post back "He is risen, indeed." We lost Mom's recipe for Paska, but I am making Lovella's paska recipe today with my beautiful daughter. Thank you, it smells wonderful.

  9. I have just found your blog and am enjoying my discovery and exploration

  10. I grew up in a Mennonite congregation that spoke German for part of the services. While I am not superbly fluent, I still have a working understanding of German enough that certain phrases ring truer to me in German than English. It was traditional Easter Sunday greeting that you would say, as Mary Marlene said, "he is risen" but in German it is "Er is auferstanden" (He is risen) and the reply was "Er is verhaftig auferstanden" (He is indeed risen). Somehow the use of the word "verhaftig" (indeed) being in the middle of the sentence as opposed to the end of the sentence as we might say in English, always rung as being more potent, more powerful to me. The triumph in Julie's post made this phrase ring out in my thoughts. To be reminded that He is INDEED risen, each year, even for those familiar with the Easter story, is a beautiful thing.


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