Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Quick Black Forest Torte

I first heard of this black forest cake 'short-cut' a few years back from my sister-in-law. She insisted it was moist and delicious...and so simple to prepare. When I needed a birthday cake in short order recently...this recipe came to mind. It went over well!


  • 4 cups mini-marshmallows
  • 1 chocolate cake mix
  • 1 can cherry pie filling
  • 1 large container of Cool Whip (or 2 cups whipping cream)

  1. Pour four cups of mini-marshmallows into a greased 9x13 inch cake pan.
  2. Prepare chocolate cake mix according to directions on package. Pour over marshmallows.
  3. Spoon cherry pie filling evenly over cake.
  4. Bake at 350°F for about 50 minutes...or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
  5. Cool.
  6. Top with whipped topping. (If using whipping cream, whip 2 cups of cream with 3 Tablespoons sugar and 2 teaspoons vanilla until almost ready to form peaks.)
  7. Serves 15.

And don't forget...the cherry on top!


  1. What a wonderful and easy recipe. I'll have to pick up the ingredients and give it a shot. I may have to throw a bit of Kirsch in there though. LOL

  2. Hey - that looks easy peasy and delicious. It's always so nice to have a quick recipe like that. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is really tasty - I also sprinkle mini choc chips on top of the coolwhip for a little added touch!

  4. I lllooovvveee chocolate cake- I can hardly wait to try this- good thing Valentines Day is just around the corner- will have to call my girlfriends over to share it and fellowhsip- the 3 of us cannot possibly eat it all. Wonder if it can be frozen (without the topping)? I would think so...

  5. This sounds like a good recipe to make when I cook for Alpha. thanks, Judy.

  6. I just found your blog, hope you don't mind me taking a peek. Love all the recipes so far, they look good and fun, my son is serving a mission in canada for his church maybe your blog will help me feel closer to him- smiles.

  7. I love looking at all the yummy recipes you post on here! I am going to try to make this cake this weekend when my inlaws come to visit! :)

  8. Thanks so much for this, and for your website which I love, love, love. You ladies Rock!

  9. I'm just wondering ....what happens to the marshmallows?
    I don't see them on the bottom of the piece of cake in the photo.

    1. Not 100% sure on this, but it looks like the cake is turned out upside down (cherry pie filling on the bottom?) & the whipped cream is put on top f the marshmallows??

  10. This does look fantastic and easy. To make such a glorious cake,in this manner, is sharing a gift with us. If you have a moment, would you share this a little further and link it to Bake with Bizzy.

  11. That looks so delicious. My mom always makes ther real thing and we always measure how hight it is ; ) This looks like something I could make too. My mom is much better in baking than I am, but I am trying. I certainly want to try this one. Thank you very much for the recipe !!
    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  12. I made this for a church luncheon and it was fantastic. I used a very moist,1bowl, from scratch , choc.cake recipe and it was so delicious. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe.

  13. Made it for a birthday party last night. It was WONDERFUL and received many great comments! Thanks.

  14. Oh no! Diet, what diet?

  15. Just served it to a bunch of hungry, but picky teenaged got the thumbs up. Thanks for yet another easy but delicious recipe

  16. I made this recipe last night and oh my goodness it is so good.

  17. I had this recipe from somebody awhile back and never made it. The other day I saw it on your site, so I dug out my recipe (its the same) and I made it this a.m.. I didn't put any topping on it as my hubby had a piece when it came out of the oven and he loved it. I am avoiding sweets so I just smelled it. Thank you for all the time you put into your blog showing the recipes.

  18. Thank you,Thank you, for this great recipe. Black Forest cake is my favorite cake so that's all i buy. I made this and i said to my husband "that i will never buy a Black Forest cake again"It was awesome and your recipe has been sent far and wide. You have saved a lot of people a lot of time and money. Thank you again.
