Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Raisin Buns

I have searched my recipe books looking for my Mom's raisin bun recipe but couldn't find it. Finally I found one in Canadian Home Cooking that comes quite close to Mom's. I would add more raisins next time.
  • 1 cup warm water, 2 tablespoon yeast, 2 tsp sugar
  • Mix and let sit for 10 minutes.
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup milk, scalded
  • 1 cup mashed potatoes(cook and mash)
  • 5 eggs, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup oil
  • 7-8 cups of flour
  • 2 cups raisins (I will use 3 next time)
  1. Scald milk and stir sugar into milk and cool to lukewarm. 
  2. Add beaten eggs, mashed potatoes, salt, oil, and flour.
  3. Mix and knead until you have a smooth soft dough, approximately 5 minutes. 
  4. Allow to rise for 25 minutes, punch down and knead in the raisins. Let rise again till double in size. Grease pans, form buns, place on parchment lined pans and let rise again for 30 min.
  5. Bake in 350º oven for 11 minutes.
  6.  Yields: 3 1/2 dozen


  1. I never thought about making raisin buns as individual buns. I like it! Must be so tender with the mashed potatoes. I'm certainly going to save this and give it a go.

  2. I love homemade breads of any sort - how delicious!

  3. i love raison buns.....shucks i checked and i am out of raisons.
    put that on my list and i will defintely make these betty....mmmm

  4. This reminds me of buns my mom used to make. Yum.

  5. Raisin buns. . .yum. I love seeing things that I haven't seen for years. . .this is another memory that mom used to make. Thanks Betty.

  6. Oh I would love one right now with coffee. Bread and buns of any kind are my weakness. Thanks for another good recipe from you kitchen. Kathy

  7. I've never had anything like these, but they sure sound like something I'd like to try. I'll use three cups of raisins too. More is better!

  8. I just wanted to say...Hats off to all who take the time, to not only produce excellant recipies but to take pictures and the edit it onto a blog...I have just done this for the first time, and I can tell you it is more work than I thought it would be, but I did enjoy the prosscess.Keep up the good work....
    These buns look yummy.

  9. Your raisin buns look yummy...and I have someone here who would be most thrilled if I gave this recipe a try.

  10. Oh yes Betty...I agree with all the others....raisin buns are soooo yummy. I simply must give them a try sometime. I too have not ever heard of them as an individual bun like that but super! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  11. Hey Betty, those buns sure look yummy. Will definitely try making them...and oh ya, with the max raisin amount of course!!

  12. Betty I have printed this recipe to try it today! Thank You!
    I'll probably make a loaf or two - always nice for a special French Toast breakfast.

  13. Thank You Betty for this recipe.
    Today I was testing my yeast and when to my surprised it worked well I threw together some ingredients for bread and a little extra sugar ( I told you I didn't expect the yeast to work so threw in a little extra sugar). Made a sponge and let it rise, added more flour and floured rasins and then put them into rise. I don't think they will be as good as yours as I didn't have a recipe and didn't go looking for one till I wondered if the temperature needed to be different or different time cooking when I made the rasin buns.
    My Mom used to make these but she has been dead a long time now, and as I am getting up there now myself I didn't remember just how she made them. So now I can keep this recipe you've posted , and just hope mine are edible, for todays treat! Supper Cauliflower soup and hot rasin buns.

  14. Just wondering... does anyone else eat their raisin buns with white icing spread over top?? Lol. My mom used to make these with icing on top, but I think we called them easter buns...and she served them for faspa on the "sweets" tray. Makes me hungry! ;)

    1. No, I have not tried raisin buns with icing but it sure sounds good! I like to eat mine plain with cheese.

    2. Yes Martha D those are our hot cross buns at Easter. It is Good Friday today and I will make them today and probably Sunday, or Monday as I bake once a month for a company who employs 80= people. lol

  15. I would like to halve this recipe but am unsure how to split 5 eggs. Would 3 eggs be too much for the recipe? Many thanks from Manitoba!

    1. You will need 2 1/2 eggs. To get the half I beat one egg then divide the beaten egg in half. The other half I use up next time I make scrambled eggs or in a recipe that can easily take añ extra half egg.
