A reader once left a comment asking why we have so many posts called Bread for the Journey when there is nothing about bread in there. In my response I explained these posts as giving reference to a spiritual hunger for bread that feeds our souls.
It reminded me of a Bible story in John 4.
The setting is in Samaria, a town called Sychar.
“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
The woman, seeing that Jesus had nothing to draw water with wondered where or how He planned to get this living water. Jesus explained to her that everyone who drinks the water from this particular well, will be thirsty again, but that those who take the water that he offers, will never be thirsty again.
“Indeed, the water that I give him will become in him a spring of water,
welling up to eternal life.”
Obviously this kind of water sounded good to the woman and in further conversation she learned that Jesus knew a whole lot more about her past than she would have wanted to let on . . . but, surprisingly, it freed her up to believe. Any man who knew her past and still offered her spiritual water for life, had to be the Savior they were waiting for.
Lord God, I thank you for the way you quench the thirst in our soul. I pray You will bless each reader here today with refreshing water from Your well of forgiveness, love and hope for eternity.
Thank you for a wonderful thought to start my day.
ReplyDeleteI love your Bread for the Journey posts. One in particular ministered to me greatly about 3 years ago when my husband (a worship pastor) was with out a job for 18 months. It was a very trying time for us.
ReplyDeleteThis one this morning offers encouragement to me that there is a great focus than the struggles I face even now. I just spent all night sitting up on the sofa with a very painful rupturing ear drum. I thought I'd read my morning blogs before the urgent care opens. Thank you for doing these posts. I love them.
lovely-thank you
ReplyDeleteI always find it interesting that when man wants to refer to the most deprived of diets they describe it as "bread and water" and yet who ever tires of the fragrance of bread baking ? or who does not delight in a cold drink of sparkling water to quench thirst?
ReplyDeleteI love that that is what Jesus says He is ... our bread and our water -- sustaining our life! even if we had nothing else He would be enough.
Thank you for this post, Anneliese... and your photo is breath taking !
Thank you for this lovely post ~ a great way to start the week ( it's Monday here).
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week ~ thank you for all the lovely recipes!
Amen! and thank you also for the magnificent scenery to go with the post. Our parents taught us to worship Him through our oohs and awes as we look at His Creation- I am so lovin this picture and this season of colours right now.
ReplyDeleteI am sick today unable to attend church so I do appreciate your "bread for my journey" especially today.