Mennonite Girls Can Cook is a collection of recipes which were posted daily for a period of ten years from 2008 to 2018. We have over 3,000 delicious recipes that we invite you to try. The recipes can be accessed in our recipe file by category or you can use the search engine.

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Bread For The Journey

Over the past months, I've been challenged more and more about living a life well lived.
Opportunities come and go at work, in my home, on my travels, with my acquaintances.
How do I reflect life in my ordinary world, with boldness and confidence?
How do others see me? Am I living my life well?

In 2 Timothy 4: 6-8 Paul talks about his departure from the earth.
Then he goes on to say: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness...."
What defines you are?
Who do you live for?
How do you live?
What is the outcome?

Following Jesus is not a spectator sport, it's an active work of daily discipline, looking to Jesus as the author and finisher of our race, walking uprightly, serving him. It's not all about winning the race, as much as it is about finishing the race...with faithful completion.
It is my prayer that I too, will be known as a person running the race with purpose and vision, rather than being caught up with religiosity, and that my words and actions reflect that He is the risen Lord.

As we prepare for the Easter season, my prayer is that he will be formed in me.

"Let My Life Song Sing to You."


  1. what a beautiful reminder to encourage all of us to live in the
    Spirit 24/7...thanx...

  2. Marg...thank you.....I needed this encouragement today! Those questions are good to ask of myself every morning before we face all the different people and situations in this word. I also want my life song to be for HIm.....a sweet sound in His ears.

  3. Very beautifully written...what we all should be striving to do!

  4. Well is an every day act of obedience, not once a week on Sunday, but each single day! Thanks for all of your wonderful encouragement that you include in your posts, you are a blessing!

  5. Empty arms held high. That is what I want my life to be. Ready and willing and a vessel that He can use. This is such an encouragement. Thanks Marg.

  6. This comment is for your blog(which I love!) in general: There used to be a 'print' button for the recipes. I see that it's gone. It would be really handy if you had that again. Just a suggestion...
    Thanks for a wonderful blog that also feeds the soul!

  7. Hi Sandpiper. ..sorry about that. It seems to have dissapeared. I'll see about having it restored might take some time.

  8. One of my fav's!! I love this group, have seen them live twice, one of the most humble groups ever!! Love it!!

  9. Amazing! I adore this song and cry every time I listen to it. Thanks bunches for sharing!


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