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Bread for the Journey

He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.
 John 3:30

A theme in what I've been reading and hearing lately is one I must write down,
 in order to capture the picture as a whole.
How often have I heard it, and yet how many more times will I need to be reminded?
Did Jesus not say that unless we become like a child, we will not enter the kingdom of  heaven? Becoming a child signifies, smallness.
When I feel small, pride is rooted out and a sense of wonder and expectation settles in . . .
my perspective is in looking up . . .
and that changes the way I look at God and people and circumstances.

Becoming small does not mean self pity or being down on myself;
it's about humility and knowing where the credit belongs.
It frees me up when no one notices what I've done.
And if I can remember to thank Him for what He has done, the verse,
"He must increase, while I must decrease," has a wonderful way of bringing peace . . .
because, really, what can I do that He does not first  give me the ability for?

Humility is a picture of an open hand, knowing joy in what He can do,
while pride, with clenched fist, denies help, and never feels totally gratified. 
Humility is willing to wait for an eternal reward,
while pride insists on instant recognition. Ouch.

If today, you feel like no one notices what you do . . .
be encouraged by the fact that there is One who sees.
He is becoming greater.

God created the world out of nothing, and as long as we are nothing,
He can make something out of us.
Martin Luther.


  1. Thank you for this Anneliese. I want the heart of a child who has a sense of wonder and always looks up.

    "because, really, what can I do that He does not first give me the ability for?"
    Such a good reminder.

  2. This was a perfect way to begin my Sunday. I appreciate your insight. In addition to your thoughts I've always considered that the entreatment to "become like a little child" also signifies being teachable. Children are so much more teachable and humble than adults -- which makes them more apt to listen to God and the Holy Spirit and learn from Them. Thank you for these beautiful Sunday messages.

  3. I look forward to your message every Sunday. Thank you.

  4. Thank you Anneliese. You've put words to the very thing that has been brewing in my heart lately. May I leave self behind and let God use my weakness to His glory.

  5. Touched in a spot that needed to be nudged today. And after all.....Jesus was our perfect example of humilty....humbling isn't it.

    My dad always reminded his children to remain teachable at every your post encouraged me in that direction again.

  6. Komm Herr Jesu....
    Do you remember that little German prayer?
    The tender prayers of a child are such a delight.

  7. Amen

    Becoming as a child has meant to me to be able to see as a child. Adults so often see nothing in the same way and teach their children to see as they do.

  8. You had me at the photo!

  9. Absolutely lovely. Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. You write so beautifully Anneliese. And, the picture tells a thousand words too! Thank you for reminding me to me more childlike with wide eyed wonder in what the Lord has in store for me! I have so much still to learn.

  11. I have a lot of work to do to enter the Kingdom. Thanks. JB

  12. To become like a child, that is the key. Children want to learn and are eager to help.

    Thank you for this reminder. -Lori G.

  13. always good to be reminded thank you


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